You are here: Debtors > Defining Debtors Maintenance > Main > Contact Names

Contact Names

This tab lists the contact names and information for this debtor. Contact positions can be used for custom mailouts.

Field Description
Title Type in the title for the contact person
First Name Enter the First Name
Surname Enter Surname
Phone Enter telephone number for this contact person
Mobile Enter the mobile number for this contact person
Fax Enter the fax number for this contact person
Email Enter the email address for this contact person
Primary Select from the drop down list the primary position for this person. Details are setup in the Contact Positions form. Data can be used to extract records for mail merge functions through Word or Excel etc.
Secondary Select from the drop down list the secondary position for this person. Details are setup in the Contact Positions form. Data can be used to extract records for mail merge functions through Word or Excel etc.
Tertiary Select from the drop down list the tertiary position for this person. Details are setup in the Contact Positions form. Data can be used to extract records for mail merge functions through Word or Excel etc.
Logon Code Code is automatically created as first name and surname are entered - based on existing codes already in the database. Type in a logon code for this person to change if needed. The information is used for web based systems accessing Jiwa.
Logon Password Type in the logon password for this person otherwise leave blank if not needed
  Click on this icon to delete a contact person.

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